Sunday, December 5, 2010

Chocolate, Tea, Who and Opiate Mass

I am currently in Seattle, accommodations compliments from the Peanut Gallery. I am watching Bret play Starcraft II; it's really tense xD. I would call it a group effort, playing a single 1v1 game; Jeremy is in here as well, and everyone is giving advice advice or just being generally interested in the game.
I arrived at around 2:45 yesterday and went directly to Chocopolis, David and I had some drinking chocolate while waiting for Rival and Katrina. They arrived after quite a while and we proceeded to taste several different kinds of chocolate, all of which were good, they were diverse in both flavor and texture. We tried a stone-ground chocolate from Mexico, the texture was very coarse, I loved the flavor, but the texture was just a bit strange.
After our chocolate endeavors, we drove back to the Peanut Gallery; or rather, began to. The traffic was so bad all the way to I-5 it took us far too long to get home; I would have paid more attention to how long it took, except I had to go to the bathroom sooooooooooo baaaad.
Rival and Katrina showed up right after we did and David boiled some water for tea, we ate a couple of oranges  and chatted. We had a few brews of two varieties of tea, and then sat down to watch Blink. Katrina handled it much better than her sister, though she had never seen any Who before. Nate had not seen it either; he and Jeremy also watched with us.
After the episode was over, around 7:10, David, Nate and I left and went to go pick up David's friend Sarah and we headed over to Immanuel Lutheran for a concert from Opiate Mass. They played quite a few songs, I very much enjoyed them. We went to a diner called Mars for dinner, dropped Sarah off and went home to go to bed.
Today is quiet, Starcraft aside; we're going to church later this evening, but other than that, we'll probably be working today.

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